Progressive Malaysian Christians for Justice
Progressive Malaysian Christians
Progressive Malaysian Christians
Policy Code:
2b Human Rights
Problem Statement:
Despite priding ourselves as a multicultural country, deep-seated racism has festered and intersected with issues of indigenous land-ownership, deaths in custody, and abuse of refugees and migrants.
We observe a distinct lack of LGBT rights that has led to violence and hatred against members of the LGBT community.
Economic inequality in Malaysia, exacerbated by the pandemic, has made the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Sexism is pervasive and perpetuated by culture and law.
Stifling dissent, such as the recent arrest of Fahmi Reza, is another blow against freedom of speech.
Value(s) and Belief(s):
As Progressive Christians, our faith teaches us love for God is best expressed through love for others. We believe the struggle for social justice is aligned with the call to take the side of the most vulnerable — because justice is what love looks like in public.
Proposal of Solution:
For elected representatives, especially Christian politicians,
to promote the core values of love, mercy and grace as espoused in scripture.
Voters hold them accountable not only as tax paying citizens but as fellow brethren,
for just and transparent governance.
Additional Information:
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:
Informasi Tambahan: