National machinery and policies for advancement of women
Rusni Tajari
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
Policy Code:
2c Women
Problem Statement / Issue:
1) Gender-sensitivity must be reflected in the national budgetary process.
2) KPWKM in collaboration with UNDP underwent a review of the National Policy on Women and Gender Mainstreaming in Government. The report and Action Plan have not been made public.
3) Malaysia has acceded/ ratified three treaties and hence has international obligations.
Value(s) and Belief(s):
1) To institutionalised gender-mainstreaming at all levels of government
2) Malaysia needs to show sincerity to fulfill the human rights of women, children and the disabled according to international standards. The reports are an accountability mechanism.
Proposal of Solution and Call to Action:
1) Incorporate gender responsive budgeting at all levels of government
2) Roll out the National Policy on Women and Action plan for 2021-2030 with a clear mandate for gender mainstreaming across government
3) Ensure systematic collection/dissemination of sex-disaggregated data to implement effective, evidence-based policies
4) Undertake regular gender training across ministries
5) Set up a multi ministerial committee and build their capacity to understand their obligations under the ratified treaties, collect relevant data and prepare the pending reports to the treaty bodies concerned without delay.
6) Through the same multi sectoral committee develop plans to implement the concluding observations of the treaty bodies.
7) Incorporate these international obligations, and the setting up of a one stop centre for the gathering of relevant human rights data into Malaysia’s 5 year development plans as well as into the SDGs, assigning Ministerial responsibility according to subject matter and with budget allocation and monitoring responsibility.
8) Eliminate all dicrimination in the law especially in the laws that denies women the right to transmit citizenship to children born overseas.
9) Lift all reservations to CEDAW.
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