Release the Institution Reform Committee Report
Policy Code:
3g Local Democracy
Problem Statement:
The IRC report is a comprehensive list of structural changes that had gone through a systemic submission and review process. Going into the manifesto will ensure that the new government will have to go through the check list of reforms needed. This will restart the reform process again and will involve in the civil society.
Value(s) and Belief(s):
It is a high value report that can instill change & improvements to the institutions in Malaysia and in certain areas such as human rights & media. It is my belief that we must implement it in accordance to a relevant, achievable timeline. I believe it should be made known to the public, revive it and establish a timeline to implement the recommendations post GE15
Proposal of Solution:
Declassify the IRC report and work on its 223 recommendations on improving governance, integrity and strategy on anti-corruption. The report contains recommendations that were systematically collected from many stakeholders and experts and will help speed up institutional transformation that will put the country on a solid footing post-pandemic
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