2f: Persons with Disabilities
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) comprise 15% of the Malaysian population, but
the wider PWD community includes family members, allies, volunteers and
professionals in disability services. Altogether, the PWD community comprises
over 30% of the total population. This is a sizeable population that cannot be
ignored. They face obstacles and difficulties in daily life as a largely forgotten or
ignored community in policy and law.
I: Legal rights
Malaysia ratified the CRPD in 2010 but has yet to submit the initial report that
was due two years after ratification. Ratification of the CPRD is important as it
expresses a clear moral and political commitment by the State to improve the
lives of people with disabilities. This includes harmonising the existing Persons
With Disabilities Act 2008 with the CRPD, as there are glaring weaknesses and
gaps in the law.
1. Harmonise the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 with the CRPD to
rectify any existing discrepancies in the Act.
(Harapan OKU Law Reform Group & Association of Women Lawyers (AWL), Proposal 2F-1)
i. Set up a task force to look into this and include CSOs working on law
reform. The PWD Act needs to be reformed, specifically by way of
expanding definitions, establishing remedies and introducing relevant
penalties. All ouster clauses also must be repealed, including and not
limited to Sections 41 and 42 that prevent and protect government and
public servants from being sued when they claim to have acted in good
ii. Amend Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution to prohibit
discrimination against PWDs.
iii. Ratify the Optional Protocol on CRPD.
2. Establish an independent Disability Commission.
(Harapan OKU Law Reform Group & AWL, Proposal 2F-1)
The commission shall have powers to:
i. mainstream disability issues;
ii. investigate disability issues on behalf of, and provide legal advice to
iii. initiate a formal inquiry into disability-related cases, and compel any
person to appear before it and to produce any document of nature
pertaining to the investigation;
iv. initiate independent action relating to non-compliance with the Act, and
intervene where necessary in legal suits concerning disability issues;
v. submit an annual report to Parliament for review and debate. The report
may also serve as an advocacy tool for raising issues concerning PWDs;
vi. establish a tribunal to handle infringement of the rights of PWDs;
vii. examine means of strengthening multi-sectoral, multi-ministerial and
multi-level coordination to mainstream disability inclusion; and
viii. mobilise human (and other forms of) resources to advocate, on a
continuous basis, for public, civil service and private sector
understanding of the rights of PWDs.
II. Employment
Systematic efforts are needed to ensure PWDs enjoy equality of opportunity and
to prevent and reduce all forms of discrimination in employment matters.
3. Give more PWDs job training for on-demand skills that meet evolving
labour market needs.
(Harapan OKU Law Reform Group & AWL, Proposal 2F-2)
This includes job coaching, with ongoing mentoring to help PWDs utilise their
acquired skills to full effect and maximise their potential in the workplace.
4. Raise awareness, with incentives, for the heads of departments in the
civil service to hire and retain employees with disabilities.
(Harapan OKU Law Reform Group & AWL, Proposal 2F-2; Rapelson Richard Hamit, Persatuan Anak Istimewa Sarawak (PERAIS), Proposal 2F-3)
This includes making reasonable accommodation for PWD needs such that
suitably qualified candidates may enjoy equal employment opportunities during
the application and hiring process, and, if successful in their job application,
apply themselves to the fullest of their abilities in the workplace.
5. Introduce a comprehensive policy on disability inclusion awareness
raising, as well as financial and taxation initiatives for the private sector.
(Harapan OKU Law Reform Group & AWL, Proposal 2F-2)
This is to support remunerative work opportunities for PWDs, and for them to
succeed as entrepreneurs or in gig employment.
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For a better and fairer electoral system and to eliminate cronyism, corruption and
Index | First Name | Last Name | Organisation | Submission Date |
1 | Chee Han | Lim | Agora Society | 17/10/2022 |
1 | Swee Lin | Loh | Individual | 28/09/2022 |
2 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Laura Sui San | Kho | Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS) | 28/06/2022 |
1 | Mohd Asraf Sharafi | Mohd Azhar | Individual | 25/06/2022 |
1 | Chee Han | Lim | CSO Health Cluster / People's Health Forum | 14/06/2022 |