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Enact a Sexual Harassment Act



Kod Dasar:

Rusni Tajari

Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)

2c Women

Table and Enact an independent Sexual Harassment Bill. Including;
- To comprehensively define sexual harassment
- Expand protections against it, and creates standards for all organisations (workplace, public space operators, educational institutions, etc)
- Creates oversight mechanism and tribunal to offer redress that is less expensive and burdensome than going through the civil court

Equal participation in Caregiving Responsibilities in Family



Kod Dasar:

Badlishah Sham Baharin


2c Women

1. The male civil servants have been given 7 days paternity leave. It is proposed that the same be given to private sectors’ male workers.
2. Male workers can have extended paternity leave of up to six months to care for their children

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