Barriers to Healthcare at affordable rates to non-citizen children with either parent Malaysian
CSO Platform For Reform – Child Cluster
Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM)
Policy Code:
2e Child
Problem Statement:
1. Non-citizen children of a Malaysian parent are designated as foreigners in public medical
facilities, which carry additional fees compared to citizens as per the 2016 amendments to
the Fees Act (Medical) 1951. This leaves children in vulnerable positions when their guardian
is unable to afford these higher rates.
2. Two classifications of non-citizen children who are allowed to enjoy health care services
alike to citizens: those born in Malaysia under the age of 12, holding a Malaysian Birth
Certificate and with at least one parent who is a citizen or PR holder, and those under the
age of 18, adopted by Malaysian parents and with certified adoption papers.
Value(s) and Belief(s):
In the best interest of the child, all non-citizen children should have access to vaccinations and
health care at similar rates as Malaysian children.
Proposal of Solution:
1. Allow all children (up to the age of 18) with either parent Malaysian to access public
healthcare with the same rate as Malaysians, upon provision of the Malaysian parent’s IC.
This includes children born overseas to Malaysians who may not hold a Malaysian Birth
2. Provide healthcare services for undocumented or stateless children.
3. Grant vaccinations and immunisation programmes free-of-charge to non-citizen children,
and maternal care for the mother.
4. Include non-citizen children in the national school system in the regular school health,
dental check-ups, and other initiatives of the Ministry of Health (MoH).
Additional Information:
Non-citizen children of Malaysians pay foreigner rates even when either parent is Malaysian. This is
especially disadvantageous to those with children with disabilities or those who require long-term
Notable issues:
1. The unaffordable cost of healthcare makes it difficult for parents and children alike to access
essential services, including immunisation programmes, vaccinations, maternal and child
2. Non-citizen children in the Malaysian National School system are not included in mandatory
general health and dental check-ups, booster shots and other initiatives overseen by the
Ministry of Health.
3. Amidst a pandemic, access to healthcare becomes especially crucial. It must be guaranteed
to every child. In such circumstances, a child’s life can be endangered as the cost of
treatment is far too expensive.
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
Anak – anak bukan warganegara daripada ibu bapa Malaysia ditetapkan sebagai orang asing di khalayak ramai kemudahan perubatan, dengan bayaran tambahan berbanding dengan warganegara pada tahun 2016 pindaan Akta Fi (Perubatan) 1951. Ini menjadikan kanak – kanak mudah terdedah kedudukan ketika penjaga mereka tidak mampu membayar harga yang lebih tinggi ini.
Dua klasifikasi kanak – kanak bukan warganegara yang dibenarkan menikmati rawatan kesihatan perkhidmatan yang sama untuk warganegara: mereka yang dilahirkan di Malaysia di bawah usia 12 tahun, memegang Surat Beranak Malaysia dan sekurang – kurangnya seorang ibu bapa yang merupakan warganegara atau pemegang PR, dan mereka yang berumur di bawah 18 tahun, diterima pakai oleh ibu bapa Malaysia dan dengan sijil kertas penggunaan.
Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:
Untuk kepentingan terbaik kanak – kanak itu, semua kanak – kanak bukan warganegara harus mempunyai akses kepada vaksinasi dan penjagaan kesihatan dengan kadar yang sama seperti kanak – kanak Malaysia.
Benarkan semua kanak – kanak (sehingga usia 18 tahun) dengan ibu bapa warganegara Malaysia untuk mengakses penjagaan kesihatan dengan kadar yang sama dengan rakyat Malaysia, apabila disediakan oleh rakyat Malaysia IC ibu bapa. Ini termasuk anak – anak yang dilahirkan di luar negara untuk rakyat Malaysia yang mungkin tidak memiliki Surat Beranak Malaysia.
Memberi perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan untuk anak – anak yang tidak berdokumen atau tanpa kewarganegaraan.
Memberi program vaksinasi dan imunisasi secara percuma kepada bukan warganegara anak – anak, dan penjagaan ibu untuk ibu.
Masukkan anak bukan warganegara dalam sistem sekolah kebangsaan di sekolah biasa kesihatan, pemeriksaan gigi, dan inisiatif lain dari Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM)
Informasi Tambahan:
Non-citizen children of Malaysians pay foreigner rates even when either parent is Malaysian. This is
especially disadvantageous to those with children with disabilities or those who require long-term
Notable issues:
1. The unaffordable cost of healthcare makes it difficult for parents and children alike to access
essential services, including immunisation programmes, vaccinations, maternal and child
2. Non-citizen children in the Malaysian National School system are not included in mandatory
general health and dental check-ups, booster shots and other initiatives overseen by the
Ministry of Health.
3. Amidst a pandemic, access to healthcare becomes especially crucial. It must be guaranteed
to every child. In such circumstances, a child’s life can be endangered as the cost of
treatment is far too expensive.