Parameswary Elumalai
Policy Code:
3e Economic Justice
Problem Statement:
Kampung-kampung peneroka terutamanya peneroka Bandar kini diancam pengusiran paksa. Kebanyakan kampung-kampung ini sudah wujud lebih 50 tahun dan sudah generasi ke-3 hingga generasi ke-4 menduduki kampung-kampung ini. kebanyakkan peneroka adalah orang-orang kampung, pekerja-pekerja ladang yang datang ke Bandar untuk mencari rezeki. Kebanyakan kampung-kampung peneroka terletak di tanah milik individu, syarikat swasta dan beberapa buah kampung di tanah rezab kerajaan. Dalam tahun 70an dan 80an Ada juga peneroka diberikan tanah oleh kerajaan untuk diusahakan tanaman untuk membantu golongan miskin. Namun apa yang berlaku sekarang adalah kampung-kampung ini berdepan dengan ancaman pengusiran paksa.
Ada di antara kampung-kampung ini diancam perobohan sebelum rumah alternatif mereka dibina. Dalam kes Kampung Jinjang Selatan penduduk setuju untuk menerima tawaran pemaju namun penduduk meminta pihak pemaju untuk membina dulu rumah yang dijanjikan baru berpindah. Ini kerana penduduk takut pemaju akan mungkir janji sepertimana yang berlaku kepada penduduk Kampung Jinjang Selatan Fasa 1, dimana sudah 3 tahun rumah-rumah fasa 1 diroboh namun rumah ganti masih belum dibina.
Ada di antara kampung kampung-kampung ini dirobohkan sebelum rundingan menyeluruh dibuat. Seperti Kampung Paya Jaras, Sungai Buloh Selangor yang telah dirobohkan pada 18hb.September 2019 sebelum rundingan penyelesaian tercapai dan rumah alternative dibina.
Ada juga antara kampung peneroka di tanah milik swasta diancam usir keluar dengan menggunakan Notis Kanun Tanah Negara 425. Dalam kes kampung Peneroka India Pulau Carey, Banting, Notis 425 telah diberikan oleh Pejabat Tanah Daerah Kuala Langat dimana ini adalah satu penyalah gunaan kuasa.
Value(s) and Belief(s):
Penduduk kampung-kampung peneroka sudah hidup sebagai satu komuniti dimana generasi ke 3 dan ke 4 masih menduduki kampung-kampung ini. Rata-rata peneroka bandar bekerja di sekitar bandar –bandar. Ada di antara peneroka Bandar adalah peniaga-peniaga yang memberikan perkhidmatan kepada penghuni-penghuni Bandar. Para peneroka telah meratakan hutan dan mewujudkan kampung-kampung dan hidup sebagai satu komuniti. Mereka adalah antara orang-orang lama yang masih hidup di Bandar-bandar yang pesat membangun. Sumbangan para peneroka kepada kepada pembangunan sesebuah Bandar tidak terhingga namun kini sumbangan dan jasa mereka dipandang rendah dan mereka diusir dari kampung-kampung mereka.
Proposal of Solution:
Kami menuntut Kampung-kampung yang sedia ada diiktiraf sebagai Kampung Tradisi dan diberikan geran tanah.
Peneroka sememangnya tidak mahu menjadi penghalang kepada sebarang pembangunan yang membawa kebaikkan kepada masyarakat Bandar namun kami tidak mahu disebabkan pembangunan kami ditindas dan diusir keluar tanpa sebarang jaminan untuk hidup. Kami hanya mahukan sebuah tempat tinggal untuk keluarga kami.
Kami menuntut agar komuniti yang dikenalpasti untuk dipindahkan ini harus menerima penempatan alternatif SEBELUM apajua pengusiran dan perobohan rumah dibuat. Samaada perumahan tetap alternative disiapkan dan mereka dipindahkan ataupun sewa yang setimpal dengan keadaan pasaran harus diberikan sehingga rumah tetap mereka siap untuk diduduki. Rumah yang ditawarkan seharusnya berdekatan dengan kampung asal supaya para peneroka ini tidak mengalami masalah ulang alik ke kerja, anak-anak dapat pergi ke sekolah yang sama dan aktiviti sosial dapat diteruskan seperti biasa.
Mengakui pihak kerajaan dulu dan kini ada menawarkan tanah alternatif kepada beberapa kawasan peneroka bandar tetapi malangnya ia adalah satu perkara ad-hoc yang tidak konsisten dan hanya berdasarkan ‘case by case’. Ini bukanlah satu solusi tetap untuk menyelesaikan masalah kaum peneroka bandar.
Kami mencadangkan agar satu Akta Anti Pengusiran Paksa digubal di peringkat Parlimen dimana setiap kawasan penempatan peneroka bandar yang mengalami pengusiran paksa perlu disediakan sekurang-kurangnya tanah alternatif atau perumahan ganti sebelum disuruh keluar. Akta ini harus dipakaibaca bersama Ordinen 89 atau Akta 425 supaya pihak yang mahukan tanah penempatan peneroka harus melaksanakan peruntukan undang-undang ini sebelum memohon Ordinen 89 atau Akta 425 tersebut.
Langkah ini merupakan satu jaminan habitat untuk rakyat dan peringatan kepada semua pihak bahawa perumahan untuk rakyat adalah satu hak dan bukan keistimewaan.
Additional Information:
Isu dan Polisi Semasa:
The villages of pioneers, especially urban pioneers, are currently threatened with forced eviction. Most of these villages have been around for more than 50 years and reside by the third and fourth generation descents.
Many of these pioneers are villagers or estate workers who have migrated to cities for survival. These villages are primarily located in the lands owned by individuals, private companies, while some are in the government’s reserve land. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, the government allocated lands to the pioneers for farming purposes that aid the poor. Albeit, these villages are now facing the threat of forced eviction.
In several cases, the villages of the urban pioneers are threatened with demolition before the completion of alternative housing. In the case of Kampung Jinjang Selatan, the villagers have affirmed their commitment to accept the developers’ deal if the people’s demand of having completed alternative housing is provided before the shifting. The villagers were afraid of repetition as what transpired to the villagers of Kampung Jinjang Selatan Phase 1. It has been three years since the houses were demolished, but the promised alternative housing has not been built until today.
Several villages have been demolished even before a holistic negotiation commences. On 18th September 2019, Kampung Paya Jaras in Sungai Buloh, Selangor, was demolished before an amicable settlement was achieved or an alternative housing was built.
Besides, several pioneers’ villages established on private lands were evicted by using 425 Notice of National Land Code. In Carey Island Indian Pioneers village in Banting - the people were served with 425 Notice by the District Land Office of Kuala Langat. Blatant abuse of power.
Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:
The residents in the pioneers’ villages have been living as a community for generations. Currently, the 3rd and 4th generation are living in these villages too. Most of these pioneers’ descents are working around the cities nearby to their village. At the same time, a pocket of them are small-time vendors/hawkers labouring services to the Town residents.
The Pioneers levelled the forest and created conducive villages suitable for human lives. They are a community that has been living amidst the rapidly-developing cities. The contribution of the Urban Pioneers to the development of our cities are immeasurable. Nevertheless, their deeds and contribution are forgotten and humiliated with heartless evictions.
1. Recognise the Villages of Pioneers.
We demand the recognition of the existing villages as Traditional Village and provided with land grants.
2. House for House.
The Pioneers do not wish to obstruct the developments that may bring positive changes to Urban residents. Nevertheless, the development process should not catalyse a situation where they are discriminated against and forcefully evicted without any means to survive or continue their livelihood. A decent house for them to live in is crucial for the survival of these families.
We demand that the community identified for shifting must receive alternative housing BEFORE any form of eviction or demolition occurs. The shifting should only be made possible when the alternative houses are complete. If not, the villagers must be located in a temporary transit house with a fair rental according to the market price until the alternative houses are complete.
Regarding alternative houses, the new accommodation must be near to their original village to ensure the urban pioneers’ livelihood is not affected. This will help them avoid the issues of travelling back and forth from their work whereas the children could remain in the same school. The social activities, on the other hand, should remain intact.
3. Promulgate Anti-Forced Eviction Act.
Previous and current governments' offers of alternative lands to numerous pioneers’ villages must be acknowledged and admitted. Unfortunately, this is an ad-hoc measure that lacks consistency. It is merely case-by-case. Thus, this can be neither treated nor accepted as a plausible solution to the problems of urban pioneers.
On that notion, we strongly recommend promulgating an Anti-Forced Eviction Act at the Parliament level. Under this act, it must be enforced that any settlements of the urban pioneers facing forced eviction should be compensated with at least an alternative land or alternative houses before they are evicted. Therefore, this act must be read along with Ordinance 89 or Act 425 so that those wishing to acquire/possess the land occupied by urban pioneers will be required to enforce the demands laid in this particular law before applying the provisions stated earlier.
Such a step will guarantee a habitat for the people and reminds all parties that housing for the masses is a fundamental right and not a privilege.
Informasi Tambahan: