Economic Justice
A Collaborative-Cooperative Community-base Housing Project
Kod Dasar:
Dr. Tai Tuck Leong, Mr. CS Loh
Monsoon Malaysia
3e Economic Justice
A) To create cheap, small-scale, cooperative, pleasant, comfortable and cheaply-affordable housing units with collaborative solutions to avoid the exploitative capitalism conditions impose on rakyat2 – such as rent, loans, mortages, debt, taxes, and insurance – by re-developing rehabilitated or abandoned housing projects towards Build It Now tiny homes by adopting (or exclusively stated-owned) the Industrial Building Systems and 3-D printing method and applying material science technologies to reduce costs besides improving the environmental sustainability of housing materials to allow living within an ecologically-friendly community.
To improve upon the following present approaches:
i) Rent-to-Own scheme without any capitalistic rental element;
ii) A national Youth-housing project with Rent-to-Own concept;
iii) Enhance upon, with more allocated fundings, to the Budget 2020 housing expenditure;
All fundings and national expenditure should be from the Petronas levy, PNB investment contributions and Government bonds (NOT from workers' EPF contributions).
B) To maintain an equitable and free accessibility healthcare polyclinic within each housing community for each and every community resident who is given free basic medicines.
C) To operate a free-shuttle service to a nearest MRT/LRT station where this transport unit is treble usage-mode to ferry school children, urban-working residents and housecarers.
Address the impact of COVID-19 on low-income women and children
Kod Dasar:
Lim Su Lin
3e Economic Justice
Malaysia’s social protection system needs to be critically re-evaluated to reduce the pandemic’s compound effects on pre-existing poverty, inequality and social exclusion, and to provide robust and comprehensive protection, especially for women and children coming from the urban poor and vulnerable communities.
Future social protection policies must specifically target these low-income women and girls, in all efforts to address the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19. To ensure this, a central coordinating committee should be set up, with representation from elected representatives, civil society and most importantly members from this community i.e. women and children themselves, to lend their perspective of lived experience. The committee should be tasked to establish key principles and priorities in assistance provision and delivery of immediate aid such as targeted cash transfers, food aid, healthcare. The committee should work with agencies and NGOS on the ground to deliver this.
To address mid-long term impacts, the committee should also look into reforming the current infrastructure of social assistance. Beyond receiving cash transfers and food aid, women and youth of working age would benefit greatly from support to increase their long-term economic resilience and independence. This could come in the form of providing greater access to work and business opportunities (including capital, space and equipment), as well as training, entrepreneurship and skills development programmes. As a first step, the committee should open up discussions with multiple stakeholders, involving government agencies such as SOCSO, Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) and Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) as well as NGOs and local leaders, to align efforts in developing and delivering these programmes to the community on the ground.
An Efficient Public Housing Policy
Kod Dasar:
Wong Tsu Soon
Agora Society Malaysia
3e Economic Justice
- Financial and power decentralisation of public housing to state governments and local authorities
- Transform unmarketable apartments/condominiums to publicly rentable units
- Subsidy and higher priority public housing rental approval for fresh graduates
- Public housing should be applicable to any income groups, preference based on working location
- The main consideration of approval should be the working location of applicants, to encourage short commuting and mixed income groups in an estate
- The rental should be set to not exceed market price, based on income bracket, and adjustable according to distance to working location, the nearer the cheaper
- The applicants with property should be considered in discretion of authorities based on working location as well, probably with higher rental
Economic dependence and financial insecurity of non-citizen spouses in binational Malaysian marriages
Kod Dasar:
Bina Ramanand
Association of Family Support and Welfare Selangor and KL (Family Frontiers)
3e Economic Justice
Allow non-citizen spouses of Malaysians equal rights to work and equal access to economic and social services to reduce financial burden and prevent the risks of non-autonomy of women.
1. Remove the statement of prohibition from employment on the visa and the requirement to obtain permission to work from the Department of Immigration.
i. Grant the right to work upon registration of marriage to prevent cyclical periods of unemployment instigated by visa-renewal requirements and waiting periods before eligible for an endorsement of employment.
2. Allow the opening of individual bank accounts for non-citizen spouses of Malaysians.
3. Extend protection of labour laws to non-citizen spouses including mandatory EPF, entitlement to the Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) and severance packages.
Kod Dasar:
Parameswary Elumalai
3e Economic Justice
Kami menuntut Kampung-kampung yang sedia ada diiktiraf sebagai Kampung Tradisi dan diberikan geran tanah.
Peneroka sememangnya tidak mahu menjadi penghalang kepada sebarang pembangunan yang membawa kebaikkan kepada masyarakat Bandar namun kami tidak mahu disebabkan pembangunan kami ditindas dan diusir keluar tanpa sebarang jaminan untuk hidup. Kami hanya mahukan sebuah tempat tinggal untuk keluarga kami.
Kami menuntut agar komuniti yang dikenalpasti untuk dipindahkan ini harus menerima penempatan alternatif SEBELUM apajua pengusiran dan perobohan rumah dibuat. Samaada perumahan tetap alternative disiapkan dan mereka dipindahkan ataupun sewa yang setimpal dengan keadaan pasaran harus diberikan sehingga rumah tetap mereka siap untuk diduduki. Rumah yang ditawarkan seharusnya berdekatan dengan kampung asal supaya para peneroka ini tidak mengalami masalah ulang alik ke kerja, anak-anak dapat pergi ke sekolah yang sama dan aktiviti sosial dapat diteruskan seperti biasa.
Mengakui pihak kerajaan dulu dan kini ada menawarkan tanah alternatif kepada beberapa kawasan peneroka bandar tetapi malangnya ia adalah satu perkara ad-hoc yang tidak konsisten dan hanya berdasarkan ‘case by case’. Ini bukanlah satu solusi tetap untuk menyelesaikan masalah kaum peneroka bandar.
Kami mencadangkan agar satu Akta Anti Pengusiran Paksa digubal di peringkat Parlimen dimana setiap kawasan penempatan peneroka bandar yang mengalami pengusiran paksa perlu disediakan sekurang-kurangnya tanah alternatif atau perumahan ganti sebelum disuruh keluar. Akta ini harus dipakaibaca bersama Ordinen 89 atau Akta 425 supaya pihak yang mahukan tanah penempatan peneroka harus melaksanakan peruntukan undang-undang ini sebelum memohon Ordinen 89 atau Akta 425 tersebut.
Langkah ini merupakan satu jaminan habitat untuk rakyat dan peringatan kepada semua pihak bahawa perumahan untuk rakyat adalah satu hak dan bukan keistimewaan.
Kerajaan bersetuju untuk melakukan percubaan perentis pada UBI untuk menilai kesesuaian pelaksanaan sepenuhnya di Malaysia menjelang 2025
Kod Dasar:
Nurul Kauthar
Pertubuhan Ikram Malaysia Negeri Pulau Pinang
3e Economic Justice
Menawarkan Universal Basic Income secara tunai, tanpa syarat, kepada setiap individu yang layak secara berkala dan bersifat sejagat. Ini dapat mengurangkan kos pentadbiran, meningkatkan nilai berbanding pemberian dalam bentuk barangan dan mengelakkan kesilapan error dalam ciri inklusif & ekslusif.
Melaksanakan Akta Skim Perumahan Masyarakat Ladang
Kod Dasar:
Kartigesu Rajamanickam
3e Economic Justice
i. Kerajaan Pusat menggubal dan melaksanakan satu Akta Perumahan untuk Pekerja Ladang.
ii. Akta ini harus digubal dengan memastikan semua majikan ladang di negara ini melaksanakan Skim Perumahan untuk pekerja Ladang kepada pekerja atau bekas pekerjanya dalam usaha memberi hak milik kekal rumah tersebut.
iii. Skim perumahan tersebut disarankan dengan kerjasama dan subsidi sepenuhnya daripada Kerajaan Pusat atau Negeri dengan penglibatan Menteri Sumber Manusia, Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) dan kerajaan Negeri
iv. Kemudahan-kemudahan yang sedia dinikmati oleh masyarakat ladang seperti Sekolah, Tadika, Padang Permainan, Tempat Ibadat, Dewan dan lain-lain kemudahan harus dikekalkan atau dipindahkan ke kawasan abru dimana skim perumahan bakal didirikan
v. Antara contoh terbaik yang boleh diambil ialah Skim Perumahan PPR Ladang Siliau di Negeri Sembilan di mana kerajaan Pusat dan kerajaan Negeri membina 150 buah rumah di mana sebahagiannya adalah untuk pekerja ladang Siliau milik Sime Darby melalui proses pengambilan tanah dan rumah tersebut dijual kepada pekerja menggunakan sistem ‘ Sewa Beli’ (rent to own). Melalui skim ini, pembeli hanya perlu membayar sewaan bulanan sebanyak RM200 hingga RM250 sebulan selama tempoh 20 hingga 25 tahun sebelum hakmilik diserahkan kepada pembeli.
New concept of a Cohesive Malaysian Society based on Equality and Fairness
Kod Dasar:
Dr Lee Hwok Aun
3e Economic Justice
Reformulate the pillars of inclusive development, based on (A) equality and (B) fairness:
A. Provision of basic needs and decent living standards to all, based on the principles of equality and dignity, and rights. These policies specifically involve: basic schooling (primary and secondary), public health services, nutrition, social protection, shelter, basic income and decent work conditions.
Special attention should be accorded to:
1. Addressing practical necessity and people’s demands for not just basic provision but higher quality of services and healthier work-life balance
2. Highlighting that specific disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized groups warrant assistance for attaining basic needs. Among these are the urban poor, poor Indian communities, Orang Asli, Sabah and Sarawak natives, female-headed households, etc.
3. Disbursement of public funds and design of development programmes that aim to narrow gaps between states and regions.
B. On the principle of fairness, develop capabilities and promote participation, first and foremost, in order to reduce inter-group disparities in access, opportunity, capability, and representation, and ultimately to narrow income and wealth gaps. The key areas of pro-Bumiputera (and other designated groups) programmes must be specified:
1. Higher education (pre-university programmes, admissions, sponsorship) - in these areas, as well, more preference for disadvantaged can be incorporated, with continual emphasis on developing capability.
2. High-level occupations (professional and management positions, especially in public sector and GLCs)
3. Enterprise development (SMEs, GLCs, public procurement, vendor development, grants and loans, microfinance, training and advisory support) - the emphasis must be on developing capability, but there is scope especially in microfinance to target the poor/B40 of all ethnic groups
4. Wealth and property ownership (unit trusts, share allocations, property discounts)
A bottom-up building process must be emphasized and systematically formulated, focusing on developing capability, competitiveness and confidence as the driving factors.
These policy spheres under theme (B) are more complex than the provision of basic needs and decent living of theme (A) above, and hence it is suitably guided by the principle of fairness – akin to “equitability”, but arguably simpler to comprehend and communicate to the general public.
Pihak Majlis Pembandaran mengambilalih penyelenggaraan di Flat Kos Rendah
Kod Dasar:
Madhavi Sahatuan
3e Economic Justice
Penghuni Flat Kos Rendah hanya perlu membayar dua jenis cukai iaitu Cukai Taksiran (6 bulan sekali) dan Cukai Tanah/Petak (setahun sekali) sepertimana rumah teres kos rendah. Maka syorkan kedua pembayaran ini diteruskan dengan pemansuhan yuran penyelenggaraan yang dipungut oleh JMB.
Bayaran harus dibuat terus kepada Majlis Perbandaran dan Pejabat Tanah seperti biasa.
Pihak Majlis Pembandaran mengambilalih penyelenggaraan dan memberi perkhidmatan sama yang diberikan kepada rumah teres kos rendah. Perkhidmatan in meliputi kutipan sampah, pembersihan corridor, pembersihan longkang, taman permainan serta lampu jalan dan jalan raya dalam kawasan flats.
Proposal to handle the issues of Racial Discrimination
Kod Dasar:
Anusha Arumugam
(ethnic-Tamil individual)
3e Economic Justice
We propose for the creation of an Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, supported by legislation, to ensure and safeguard minorities and women from any kind of discrimination from employers.
SOCIAL INCLUSION ACT & Establishment of a Social Inclusion Commission
Kod Dasar:
Jayanath Appudurai
3e Economic Justice
To address the root causes of poverty and marginalization in a non-partisan and dispassionate manner, it is proposed, that;
• An independent Social Inclusion Commission answerable directly to Parliament be established. This Commission would be mandated to have oversight over all matters of poverty reduction, affirmative action and social inclusiveness.