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A Collaborative-Cooperative Community-base Housing Project


Dr. Tai Tuck Leong, Mr. CS Loh


Monsoon Malaysia

Policy Code:

3e Economic Justice

Problem Statement:

When healthcare services are unequalably adequate nor accessible - where interior communities in Sabah and Sarawak are deprived of even basic medicines - and housing facilities are beyond the means of ordinary people - the Household Income & Basic Amenities Survey Report 2019 by DOSM showed that the country’s 2019 median income of a household of four is RM5,873. This means it is sixty times of both parents’ monthly salaries to get a decent shelter - a strategic option is towards a community-based socially-involved solidarity collaborative initiative.

Value(s) and Belief(s):

Equity healthcare and affordable shelters are human rights of the rakyat2 where The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations General Assembly, Paris, December 10, 1948) states that health is a fundamental human right.

Proposal of Solution:

A) To create cheap, small-scale, cooperative, pleasant, comfortable and cheaply-affordable housing units with collaborative solutions to avoid the exploitative capitalism conditions impose on rakyat2 – such as rent, loans, mortages, debt, taxes, and insurance – by re-developing rehabilitated or abandoned housing projects towards Build It Now tiny homes by adopting (or exclusively stated-owned) the Industrial Building Systems and 3-D printing method and applying material science technologies to reduce costs besides improving the environmental sustainability of housing materials to allow living within an ecologically-friendly community.

To improve upon the following present approaches:

i) Rent-to-Own scheme without any capitalistic rental element;

ii) A national Youth-housing project with Rent-to-Own concept;

iii) Enhance upon, with more allocated fundings, to the Budget 2020 housing expenditure;

All fundings and national expenditure should be from the Petronas levy, PNB investment contributions and Government bonds (NOT from workers' EPF contributions).

B) To maintain an equitable and free accessibility healthcare polyclinic within each housing community for each and every community resident who is given free basic medicines.

C) To operate a free-shuttle service to a nearest MRT/LRT station where this transport unit is treble usage-mode to ferry school children, urban-working residents and housecarers.


Isu dan Polisi Semasa:

Nilai-nilai dan Kepercayaan:


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